Diuretic and uricosuric effects of traxanox sodium in healthy subjects: Comparison with hydrochlorothiazide by multiple-dose study
Traxanox Sodiumの健常人における利尿作用および尿酸排せつ作用 反復投与試験によるHydrochlorothiazideとの比較

Akio EBIHARA, Masanobu TSURU, Kyoichi OHASHI, Akio FUJIMURA, Kazuoki KONDO
1987 Rinsho yakuri/Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics  
and uricosuric effects of traxanox sodium (TRX, 180 mg three times daily for 8 days) were investigated by double blind, cross over comparison with hydro chlorothiazide (HCT, 25 mg twice daily for 8 days). Urine volume and urinary excretion of electrolytes increased after the administra tion of TRX. A similar trend was observed on HCT. The urinary excretion of uric acid increased and serum concentration of uric acid decreased on TRX. However, the urinary excretion of uric acid decreased and serum concentration of uric acid in creased on HCT.
doi:10.3999/jscpt.18.619 fatcat:6eobf6oorzeqboeiauao4zmdwe