Entropy and information causality in general probabilistic theories

Howard Barnum, Jonathan Barrett, Lisa Orloff Clark, Matthew Leifer, Robert Spekkens, Nicholas Stepanik, Alex Wilce, Robin Wilke
2010 New Journal of Physics  
We investigate the concept of entropy in probabilistic theories more general than quantum mechanics, with particular reference to the notion of information causality recently proposed by Pawlowski et. al. (arXiv:0905.2992). We consider two entropic quantities, which we term measurement and mixing entropy. In classical and quantum theory, they are equal, being given by the Shannon and von Neumann entropies respectively; in general, however, they are very different. In particular, while
more » ... t entropy is easily seen to be concave, mixing entropy need not be. In fact, as we show, mixing entropy is not concave whenever the state space is a non-simplicial polytope. Thus, the condition that measurement and mixing entropies coincide is a strong constraint on possible theories. We call theories with this property monoentropic. Measurement entropy is subadditive, but not in general strongly subadditive. Equivalently, if we define the mutual information between two systems A and B by the usual formula I(A:B) = H(A) + H(B) - H(AB) where H denotes the measurement entropy and AB is a non-signaling composite of A and B, then it can happen that I(A:BC) < I(A:B). This is relevant to information causality in the sense of Pawlowski et al.: we show that any monoentropic non-signaling theory in which measurement entropy is strongly subadditive, and also satisfies a version of the Holevo bound, is informationally causal, and on the other hand we observe that Popescu-Rohrlich boxes, which violate information causality, also violate strong subadditivity. We also explore the interplay between measurement and mixing entropy and various natural conditions on theories that arise in quantum axiomatics.
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/3/033024 fatcat:f5x56elzevbtfge7valsqhdzty