Greek Construction Project Managers' Cognitive Abilities, Personality and Knowledge

Georgios N. Aretoulis, Christoforos H. Triantafyllidis
2014 International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems  
The tasks performed by a project manager are of special importance to the well being and economic prosperity of construction companies. This paper is aiming at defining the Greek project managers' dominant cognitive abilities, personality characteristics, skills and knowledge. An effort is made to identify available attributes associated with successful management performance and career development. The survey was conducted based on a structured questionnaire. The effort led to 102 responses,
more » ... iginating from engineers and construction professionals, throughout the Greek Construction Industry, including Public-Work Authorities. The questionnaire was based on international management literature and interviews. The study discusses the results of the survey and provides a comparison with those attributes identified in the international literature and correlates the participants' profile with their responses.
doi:10.4018/ijoris.2014010103 fatcat:2lbtwdrzqffkdkeagqtp6ye5dq