Cryptic Diversity in Cladosporium cladosporioides Resulting from Sequence-Based Species Delimitation Analyses

Andrea Becchimanzi, Beata Zimowska, Rosario Nicoletti
2021 Pathogens  
Cladosporium cladosporioides is an extremely widespread fungus involved in associations ranging from mutualistic to pathogenic and is the most frequently represented Cladosporium species in sequence databases, such as Genbank. The taxonomy of Cladosporium species, currently based on the integration of molecular data with morphological and cultural characters, is in frequent need of revision. Hence, the recently developed species delimitation methods can be helpful to explore cryptic diversity
more » ... this genus. Considering a previous study that reported several hypothetical species within C. cladosporioides, we tested four methods of species delimitation using the combined DNA barcodes internal transcribed spacers, translation elongation factor 1-α and actin 1. The analyses involved 105 isolates, revealing that currently available sequences of C. cladosporioides in GenBank actually represent more than one species. Moreover, we found that eight isolates from this set should be ascribed to Cladosporium anthropophilum. Our results revealed a certain degree of discordance among species delimitation methods, which can be efficiently treated using conservative approaches in order to minimize the risk of considering false positives.
doi:10.3390/pathogens10091167 pmid:34578199 fatcat:5mlewi5m55cifmhdwptcy4nke4