Socio-Economic status and level of participation of volley ball players in the selected Universities of Southern Universities of Karnataka State

Gayathramma Gp, Martin Kp
2016 14 International Journal of Physiology   unpublished
The purpose of the study was to assess the socio economic status of university Volleyball players of various universities of Karnataka state. The objectives of the study was to find out whether there is any significant association exists in the socio economic status of university Volleyball players participating at various levels of Volleyball tournaments. For the purpose of the study the researcher selected 60 Volleyball players from the different universities of Karnataka as subjects. The
more » ... archer administered the socio economic status developed by Bharadwaj (2001) used as tool for gathering the data. The data were analysed through chi-sqaure and Cramer's V tests. Results revealed that majority of them were belonged to middle socio economic status group with 71.7%,15.0% of them were in lower SES class and remaining 13.3% of them were in high SES class. Tumkur University belonged to low SES compared to players from other universities. On the whole, at all India level, only Mysore university players participated than other universities. At the national level more participation has come from Mangalore university compare to rest of the universities.