Roll of Green Banking in Economic Development

Dr. Parmil Kumar, Sapna Verma
2021 International Journal of Applied Research  
This paper aims to focus on the Indian banking sector especially on Green banking in India. Green banking is a modern way for the bank to finance themselves. It is the product of the government's Green movement, which aims to ensure a comfortable environment for the future generation. Without the effective implementation of Green banking, the recent government's aim to achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030 would be unlikely. It is a new chance for banks to aware of the
more » ... nt while financing. Usually, Green banks aim to save the environment decrease the carbon footprint from banking projects. We have an easy way to achieve the clean energy transition. If we avoid the worst impacts. The fast adoption to clean energy possible by a green bank is a strong and cost-effective component of a comprehensive climate policy agenda. All Green banks have a mission is that cares about developing clean energy rather than maximizing profit. They actively develop clean projects and search out chances in the world.
doi:10.22271/allresearch.2021.v7.i7sa.8658 fatcat:ky3basciqbbajjp7pfpide7fqu