Power systems disturbance classification using modular neural networks with multilayers experts

R.M. Magalhaes, C.K.S. Santos, J.D. Melo, M.F. de Medeiros, A.D. Dória Neto
2008 The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)  
This work evaluates the effectiveness of a new hybrid algorithm in the training of modular neural networks with multilayers specialists. The algorithm is applied on the classification of electric disturbances previously characterized and pre-processed, making possible the comparison between its performance with multilayers perceptrons networks. It presents the algorithm's development and inclusion of delta-bar-delta rule, such as the data acquisition methodology and its preprocessing.
doi:10.24084/repqj06.286 fatcat:7f4mzoscczdc5agp5ce5wmvrby