A Study on the Corporatee Governance Structure for-Profit Hospital -Focusig specially on the outside Director in Commercial Code-

Young-Ju Jeun, Hye-Seung Lee
2016 Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information  
In this paper many discussions are raised regarding the outside director system in order to establish the position of the outside director within institutional organizations and to review ways to activate the outside director system in for-Profit Hospital. it seems to be more desirable in Korea for each company to establish an efficient system by itself in accordance with suggested guidelines suitable for each for-Profit Hospital management circumstances rather than to apply a unilateral
more » ... director system to for-Profit Hospital through legalization. In this regard, while keeping the current outside director system for the time being, it is necessary to review and improve the management status of companies and the usefulness of the system, and various recommendations from lawyer associations, Hospital business associations, and academia should be allowed rather than just for-Profit Hospital recommendation by the government.
doi:10.9708/jksci.2016.21.12.173 fatcat:4em57iconff5lbuymht6ec7bjm