Neutron transmutation doping of isotopically engineered Ge

K. M. Itoh, E. E. Haller, W. L. Hansen, J. W. Beeman, J. W. Farmer, A. Rudnev, A. Tikhomirov, V. I. Ozhogin
1994 Applied Physics Letters  
We report a novel approach for obtaining precise control of both p-and n-type dopant concentrations in bulk Ge single crystals. High-purity Ge single crystals of controlled 74Ge/70Ge isotope composition ratios were grown and subsequently doped by the neutron transmutation doping (NTD) technique. The resulting net-impurity concentrations and the compensation ratios were precisely determined by the thermal neutron fluence and the [74Ge]/[70Ge] ratios of the starting Ge materials, respectively.
more » ... lication of NTD to seven crystals with 0<[74Ge]/[70Ge]<4.34 lead to p-type Ge:Ga,As with compensation ratios in the range o-0.76. The ability to grow crystals with accurately controlled Ge isotope mixtures allows us to obtain ratios anywhere between 0 and 1 for both p-and n-type doping.
doi:10.1063/1.111703 fatcat:3chpt2qnlna5fnily73pe6tjua