An axiomatic definition of divergence for intuitionistic fuzzy sets

Ignacio Montes, Vladimir Janis, Susana Montes
2011 Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-2011)  
An axiomatic definition of divergence measure for intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs, for short) is presented in this work, as a particular case of dissimilarity between IFSs. As the concept of divergence measure is more restrictive, it has particular properties which are studied. Furthermore, the relationships among IF-divergences, dissimilarities and distances are studied. We also provide some methods for building divergence measure for IFSs. They will allow us to conclude this work with a
more » ... fication of the usual functions used in the literature for measuring the difference between intuitionistic fuzzy sets in two classes: which are divergence measures between IFSs and which are not.
doi:10.2991/eusflat.2011.38 dblp:conf/eusflat/MontesJM11 fatcat:ulyriteyubaohfdemhirzz3tru