Superconducting properties of lithographic lead break junctions

David Weber, Elke Scheer
2017 Nanotechnology  
We have fabricated mechanically controlled break junction samples made of lead (Pb) by means of state· of-tbe-art nanofabrication methods: electron beam lithography and physical vapour deposition. The electrical and magnetic properties were characterized in a 3 He cryostat and showed a bard superconducting gap. Temperature and magnetic field dependence of tunnel contacts were compared and quantitatively described by including either thermal broadening of the density of states or pair breaking
more » ... the framework of a Skalslci model, respectively. We show point contact spectra of few-atom contacts and present tunneling spectra exhibiting a superconducting double-gap structure.
doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa99b8 pmid:29125473 fatcat:ryfy3jcab5dwjerczksfouoswe