How does molting affect reproductive and feeding activities of Euphausia pacifica (Crustacea, Euphausiacea)?

Yoshinari Endo, Fuhito Yamano, Kenji Taki
2008 Plankton and Benthos Research  
We investigated the molting of Euphausia pacifica in relation to reproductive and feeding activities off northeastern Japan. The percentage of molting individuals was lower (7%) in the gravid females than in other maturity stages (12-22%), which suggests that gravid females molt less frequently, about 2-fold less, than other stages of females and males. Feeding activity of molting individuals, assessed by the stomach fullness, was reduced compared with non-molting individuals. However, even
more » ... ing individuals showed some feeding rhythm, with higher stomach fullness in the nighttime than in the daytime. Molting of this species proved to be related to reproductive and feeding activities.
doi:10.3800/pbr.3.46 fatcat:euig2pb7hfa33jtpfgikevwboi