Correlation between Gas Sensing Properties and Preferential Orientations of Sputtered Tin Oxide Films

Jae-Sang RYU, Yuichi WATANABE, Masasuke TAKATA
1992 Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan  
Investigations on preferential orientation of tin oxide films were carried out under various conditions of film fabrication from the view point of the effect on sensing mechanism. The preferential orientation of (110) crys tallographic plane resulted in the increase of sensitivi ty for H2 gas. The observed relationship between the sensitivity and preferential orientation has been under stood by considering the maximum atomic density on the (110) plane, which ensures the large numbers of ad
more » ... ion sites for atomospheric gas as well as of direct reaction sites for H2 gas.
doi:10.2109/jcersj.100.1165 fatcat:yskp2xuwzva2llhore42qcbqbe