Design of a dynamic bandwidth reallocation scheme for hot-spot video stream transmission over the IEEE 802.11 WLAN

Junghonn Lee, Mikyung Kang
2006 TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference  
This paper proposes and analyzes the performance of streaming video transmission over IEEE 802.11 WLAN. A simple but robust bandwidth allocation method is proposed to enable dynamic update of transmission schedule on the AP (Access Point). With a continuous trace of status of each video stream channel, the proposed scheme can efficiently reclaim and reallocate the network bandwidth, leading to minimizing the wasteful transmission on the channel, without jeopardizing the timely transmission of
more » ... her active streams. Simulation result shows that the proposed scheme can keep the actual packet error rate less than 5 %.
doi:10.1109/tencon.2006.344042 fatcat:4tdpddgg5zbjdpzqeqgvnzmiwi