Showing What They Know: Multimedia Artifacts to Assess learner understanding

Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Carolyn A. Maher, Marjory Palius, Robert Sigley, Alice Alston
2014 International Conference of the Learning Sciences  
Engaging learners in constructing multimedia artifacts provides rich opportunities for them to make their thinking visible. In this research, we demonstrate the use of the VMCAnalytic, a multimedia artifact that builds on an extensive video collection of children's mathematical reasoning. Using reliable rubrics, we coded all VMCAnalytics created in a range of classes. These rubrics focused on the quality of the students' arguments and depth of their reasoning. Analysis showed that the rubric
more » ... useful in differentiating among the different groups of students. Moreover, different metrics had different degrees of correlation, suggesting that we were identifying several different dimensions of quality.
dblp:conf/icls/Hmelo-SilverMPS14 fatcat:hjfebtfl6ra25ih2dj6kq3pff4