Mechanisms to enhance versatility, robustness and reliability in delay tolerant networks [thesis]

Feng Cheng Lee
I ABSTRACT The Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a network architecture which has the capability of overcoming difficulties posed by the disruptive nature of challenged networks. It is suitable for deployments that have infrastructure constraints whereby connectivity among peers is intermittent and interoperability in heterogeneous network access technologies is a requirement. In the existing DTN implementation, there are some issues with the discovery mechanism, convergence layers, security and
more » ... outing protocols. This thesis contributes a few key enhancements for DTN. To achieve highly versatile interoperability support in DTN, a new 'plug-n-play' framework is proposed.
doi:10.32657/10356/43926 fatcat:ip64z5i5b5gulderarzr2gmkfe