The use of high-temperature superconducting cuprate as a dopant to the negative electrode in Ni-Zn batteries The chemical stability of YBCO (

A Stoyanova-Ivanova, S Terzieva, G Ivanova, M Mladenov, D Kovacheva, R Raicheff, S Georgieva, B Blagoev, A Zaleski, V Mikli, Ba Cu, Gdbco Gd (+1 others)
2015 Bulgarian Chemical Communications   unpublished
O 7-x) superconducting ceramics in an alkaline medium was studied by analyzing polycrystalline samples of the ceramics before and after exposure to an alkaline solution (7M KOH), normally used as a basic electrolyte in alkaline batteries. The high chemical resistance of the ceramics to the alkaline medium was confirmed by structural observations and magnetic measurements. The powder of YBCO ceramics was also used as a conducting additive to the active mass of zinc electrodes in an experimental
more » ... ickel-zinc alkaline battery. The electrochemical studies were carried out by a specially designed electrochemical cell with demountable "coin" type zinc and nickel electrodes. The tests showed that the cells with an YBCO superconduct-ing ceramic additive to the zinc electrode exhibited good cyclic operation ability and a capacity stability, as well as a higher specific capacity (by about 30%) than the cells with a zinc electrode with carbon as a conducting additive to the active mass. The results obtained suggest a possible application of these structural type superconducting ceramics as additives to the electrode material of zinc electrodes for alkaline battery systems.