Kuram ve Uygulamadaki Boşluğa Bir Bakış: İngilizce Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretmenliklerine Dair Değerlendirmeleri

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2019 IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi  
To trigger the ELT sophomores' awareness on their teaching practices, in the Teaching English to Young Learners course, most frequent 45 positive and negative teaching practices of 72 students were identified during their micro teaching sessions. On the basis of these, a script of an imaginary session of an anonymous teacher was created. Then, as a sit-down exam, the students were asked to criticize any 20 out of 45 behaviors in the script. Analysis of the exam papers revealed a mismatch in how
more » ... students conducted their lessons and how they evaluated the same teaching practice. The discrepancies in theory and practice and the consequences of this procedure on students' understanding of their own teaching were discussed with the students. Field notes of these discussions constituted another data source. Lacking in experience and confidence, feeling of shyness and nervousness and finally the exam, harmonizing with the existing educational system through which the students came to the university, appeared to be the underlying reasons for the results.
doi:10.21733/ibad.603392 fatcat:64hmqlsvd5b57f7y3qwppze764