An FPGA Software Defined Radio Platform with a High-Level Synthesis Design Flow

Vaibhav Bhatnagar, Ganda Stephane Ouedraogo, Matthieu Gautier, Arnaud Carer, Olivier Sentieys
2013 2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)  
Software defined radio (SDR) opens a new door to future Internet of Things with higher degree of designing flexibility in context of wireless system development. Prototyping a remote implementation of wireless protocols on a hardware over the web requires a highly versatile software radio platform along with laid-back designing tools. To this aim, an FPGA-based SDR scheme has been proposed combining Virtex-6 Perseus 6010 platform capabilities and a design flow based on High-Level Synthesis
more » ... tools. A full IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) physical layer has been implemented on the proposed platform from a C-language dataflow specification. All the results have been analyzed to lead to a fair comparison between different design flows. Although the proposed SDR has some designing issues, it shows a noticeable designing potentiality to flexible prototyping of future wireless systems. Index Terms-Flexible Software Defined Radio, High-Level Synthesis, FPGA platform.
doi:10.1109/vtcspring.2013.6691879 dblp:conf/vtc/BhatnagarOGCS13 fatcat:y4lmqiscdzekrmrg54p3yk573y