Fair morse functions for extracting the topological structure of a surface mesh

Xinlai Ni, Michael Garland, John C. Hart
2004 ACM Transactions on Graphics  
Morse theory reveals the topological structure of a shape based on the critical points of a real function over the shape. A poor choice of this real function can lead to a complex configuration of an unnecessarily high number of critical points. This paper solves a relaxed form of Laplace's equation to find a "fair" Morse function with a user-controlled number and configuration of critical points. When the number is minimal, the resulting Morse complex cuts the shape into a disk. Specifying
more » ... tional critical points at surface features yields a base domain that better represents the geometry and shares the same topology as the original mesh, and can also cluster a mesh into approximately developable patches. We make Morse theory on meshes more robust with teflon saddles and flat edge collapses, and devise a new "intermediate value propagation" multigrid solver for finding fair Morse functions that runs in provably linear time.
doi:10.1145/1015706.1015769 fatcat:jtvm744gsvgnbjtlqlrgfsr5ua