Simulations of Lateral Erosion in Bedrock Channels

Jagriti Mishra, Takuya Inoue, Yasuyuki Shimizu
2016 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM))  
The scarce knowledge of bedrock channel morphology has limited our understanding of landscape formation. Bedrock channel's morphology is controlled by various factors like sediment properties, climatic conditions, rock strength and local topography. In this study, laboratory scale experiments were conducted to understand the relationship between sediment feed rate and lateral erosion. We also implemented a numerical model and tested it for reproducing the experiments. The numerical model
more » ... that lateral erosion depends on an abrasion coefficient and transverse bedload transport rate per unit width. The numerical model could successfully trace lateral erosion in bedrock channels. Simulations were also performed to understand the effect of change in sediment supply on banks of bedrock channels. It can be seen from simulation results that sediment supply can be one of the dominating factors in determining the width of bedrock channels.
doi:10.2208/jscejam.72.i_527 fatcat:yaypmjyeyrhs7p75d3hvjepc5q