The role of exercise radionuclide angiocardiography in predicting future cardiac events in patients with acute myocardial infarction

T Shigeyama, A Yanagisawa, K Ishikawa
2000 Journal of Nuclear Medicine  
Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) during exercise radionuclide angiocardiography is a useful prognostic index for patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, most previous studies were performed before reperfusion therapies (i.e., thrombolysis and coronary angioplasty) were widely used. Therefore, because reperfusion therapy has become a standard therapeutic option, we reexamined the prognostic value of rest LVEF and exercise LVEF determined by radionuclide
more » ... y in patients with AMI at the time of hospital discharge.
pmid:10855619 fatcat:rkr5lsxm2fasnpbrvrx7rmywuy