Mitigation of Power Oscillations Using UPFC with Intelligent Technique

K. Saravanan
2012 IOSR Journal of Engineering  
In addition to steady-state power flow control, damping oscillations in a power network is one of the primary applications of a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC).Mitigation of the power oscillations is accomplished by changing the power flow through the series part of the UPFC. Newton Raphson algorithm is implemented for load flow studies. The parameters of UPFC are optimized using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. Installation of UPFC with such optimal parameters will minimize the
more » ... oaded lines and the bus voltage destructions under critical contingencies. Validation through the implementation on the IEEE-14 bus and IEEE-30 bus system shows that the PSO based UPFC is found feasible to achieve the task. The simulation results of the network with and without using UPFC is compared with GA a challenge to highlight the merit of the proposed PSO based UPFC controller.
doi:10.9790/3021-02820111 fatcat:urws2wniszghhkdosntpmxvsaq