Cyclone vulnerability assessment of the western coast of Bangladesh

Muhammad Al-Amin Hoque, Biswajeet Pradhan, Naser Ahmed, Bayes Ahmed, Abdullah M. Alamri
2021 Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk  
Coastal Bangladesh is one of the hotspots of tropical cyclone's landfall in South Asia. A spatial vulnerability assessment is required to formulate disaster risk reduction strategies. This study develops a comprehensive tropical cyclone vulnerability mapping approach by applying Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and geospatial techniques and examines the spatial distribution of tropical cyclone vulnerability in the western coastal region of Bangladesh. We have selected 18 spatial
more » ... a under the physical, social, and mitigation capacity categories as the components of vulnerability. Results indicate that the southern and south-eastern peripheral areas exhibit higher vulnerability to tropical cyclones since these areas comprise low elevation, gentle slope, closeness to the sea, a high number of historical cyclone tracks, vulnerable land cover classes (settlements and crops land), and poor socio-economic structures. These areas cover most of the Barguna, Khulna, Bagerhat, Jhalokati, and southern parts of Satkhira, and Pirojpur districts. The existing mitigation capacity measures, for example, the construction of cyclone shelters, embankments, road networks, and effective warning systems in these areas are not adequate levels. The findings would be useful for policymakers and local authorities in formulating appropriate cyclone risk mitigation plans in coastal Bangladesh. ARTICLE HISTORY
doi:10.1080/19475705.2020.1867652 fatcat:euekznfmxrh65javqxgrywrgcy