The Adoption Of Socially Responsible Solutions In The Preparatory Phase Of Investment Projects As A Factor Of Reducing Its Risks

I. Budina Valentina, V. Kezhapkina Olga
2015 Zenodo  
The problem of managerial decision-making in the framework of investment project realization by industrial enterprises in Russia is considered a qualitatively new way. To conform to modern standards of economic object functioning , a company must not only comply with the formal requirements of efficiency, implying positive financial results and conformity with regulatory requirements, but also high social and environmental standards, which will allow to implement the concept of socially
more » ... ble business practices and to create a favorable operating environment. Expansion of core business competencies is a great opportunity to regulate and reduce the risks associated with an investment project, and the decision-making procedure, proposed by the authors, allows to move the process of management decision-making to a new level by entering multicriteria performance indicator covering both economic and non-economic (environmenta) aspects of the project preparation.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.46272 fatcat:grck63osqbgwbpne34lqpw77km