The Study of Comparing Parenting Stress and Social Support according to Type of Disability
장애유형에 따른 양육스트레스와 사회적 지지 비교

Hee-Jung Kim, Dong-Hyun Kim
2012 The Korean Journal of Health Service Management  
²Department of Occupational Therapy, Sorabol college We tried to look for parenting stress and social support of parents who look after children with mental retardation, intellectual disability, physical disability, and deafness. We also tried to know type and severity of parenting stress and inform a necessity of a resource and social support through the study. We subjected parents who have children with disability and visit 7 medical centers to treat in the 4 cities. The parents filled out
more » ... questionnaire. We analysed the scale of parenting stress and social support using Likert 5 point scale. As a result of parenting stress and social support according to general characteristics by type of disability, parenting stress was very high regardless of type of disability. However, the parents who have children with disability had lower social support. In detail, the parents who have children with mental retardation had the highest parenting stress, and the parents who have children with deafness had the lowest parenting stress. In the social support, the parents who have children with mental retardation received high social support, and the parents who have children with intellectual disability received low social support.
doi:10.12811/kshsm.2012.6.3.171 fatcat:tiztwc3hznafhejlu5yfbkcg3i