Incentivize Spectrum Leasing in Cognitive Radio Networks by Exploiting Cooperative Retransmission

Xiaoyan Wang, Yusheng Ji, Hao Zhou, Zhi Liu, Jie Li
2015 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum  
This paper addresses the spectrum leasing issue in cognitive radio networks by exploiting the secondary user's cooperative retransmission. In contrast with the previous researches that focuses on cancellationbased or coding-based cooperative retransmissions, we propose a novel trading-based mechanism to facilitate the cooperative retransmission for cognitive radio networks. By utilizing the Stackelberg game model, we incentivize the otherwise non-cooperative users by maximizing their utilities
more » ... n terms of transmission rates and economic profit. We analyze the existence of the unique Nash equilibrium of the game, and provide the optimal solutions with corresponding constraints. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed mechanism, under which the performance of the whole system could be substantially improved.
doi:10.4108/ws.1.3.e2 fatcat:bwadr7ghe5djxa2qa67clz3vdi