Pipeline Gaussian Particle Filter and Hardware Design for Attitude Estimation with UAV

Yali Xue, Hu Chen, Jie Chen, Jiahui Wang
2020 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
This paper based on the Gaussian particle filter (GPF) deals with the attitude estimation of UAV. GPF algorithm has better estimation accuracy than the general nonlinear non-Gaussian state estimation and is usually used to improve the system's real-time performance whose noise is specific such as Gaussian noise during the mini UAV positioning and navigation. The attitude estimation algorithm is implemented on FPGA to verify the effectiveness of the Gaussian particle filter. Simulation results
more » ... ve illustrated that the GPF algorithm is effective and has better real-time performance than that of the particle filter.
doi:10.1155/2020/7092526 fatcat:nnlpjvk67rf7jdyrdtcjwvq6fy