Growth of Cape horse mackerelTrachurus trachurus capensisoff South Africa

K-A. Naish, T. Hecht, A. I. L. Payne
1991 South African Journal of Marine Science  
Three stocks of the Cape horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus capensis, have been recognised in the ICSEAF convention region off southern Africa (Figure 1 ) on the basis of catch distribution and biological analyses. They were identified as being off Namibia (ICSEAF Divisions 1 . 3 and 1.4), off the West Coast of South Africa (Div. 1.6) and off the South Coast (Div. 2.1 and 2.2). Recently, speculation as to the accuracy of the classification of the South African populations has arisen. The aim
more » ... this study was to determine the number of stocks In Divisions 1.6, 2.1 and 2.2, using methodology which assessed the spatial and temporal nature and the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of the species. The distribution of horse mackerel was evaluated by studying the trends in catch data and length frequency distributions obtained from the demersal industry during 1986 to 1988 and from the demersal biomass cruises in 1987 and 1988. Adult fish, found in Div . 2.1 and 2.2, probably migrated; during the months in which horse mackerel were expected to spawn, CPUE values were highe r over the central Agulhas Bank than in the east of the study region. During the quiescent period, catches and numbers were higher in the latter region. Juvenile horse mackerel were found in the nursery areas utilised by pelagic fish and it is likely that they were transported northward from the Agulhas Bank. A decrease in biomass of individuals in Div. loS indicated a separation between a northern and a southern population.
doi:10.2989/02577619109504616 fatcat:vbej7zu4yffmvochq2cxiui6pu