Reciprocal Influence between Extroverted Students and Introverted Students

Yuji Nakamura
1991 The Bulletin of the Kanto-koshin-etsu English Language Education Society  
This paper examines the reciprocal influence between extroverted students with low grammatical ability and introverted students with high grammatical ability toward their common target of "becoMing a fluent speaker of i,ntelligible English" through their pair-work or group-work activities in the scope of the whole elass. And it also shows how teachers can make good use of t'hese two learners' personality traits in the classroom context. There have been many data on the experiments of the
more » ... n between personali-ty and language acquisition, Busch(1982) denies the correlation between extroversion ' and speaking ability and claims that there is a negative correlatien between extroversion and
doi:10.20806/katejo.5.0_39 fatcat:ad4tccywvbbpregvhtnfacqahq