High-Power Electromagnetic Pulse Effect Prediction for Vehicles Based on Convolutional Neural Network

Le Cao, Shuai Hao, Yuan Zhao, Cheng Wang
2022 Electronics  
This study presents a prediction model for high-power electromagnetic pulse (HPEMP) effects on aboveground vehicles based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Since a vehicle is often located aboveground and is close to the air-ground–half-space interface, the electromagnetic energy coupled into the vehicle by the ground reflected waves cannot be ignored. Consequently, the analysis of the vehicle's HPEMP effect is a composite electromagnetic scattering problem of the half-space and the
more » ... les above it, which is often analyzed using different half-space numerical methods. However, traditional numerical methods are often limited by the complexity of the actual half-space models and the high computational demands of complex targets. In this study, a prediction method is proposed based on a CNN, which can analyze the electric field and energy density under different incident conditions and half-space environments. Compared with the half-space finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, the accuracy of the prediction results was above 98% after completing the training of the CNN network, which proves the correctness and effectiveness of the method. In summary, the CNN prediction model in this study can provide a reference for evaluating the HPEMP effect on the target over a complex half-space medium.
doi:10.3390/electronics11091490 fatcat:xwymk7h3e5gxdnfon7bn5xntji