The Manufacture of Olive Oil in California

1872 Scientific American  
apart from the cultivation of the olive. In time, it will not be expected, as now, that each grower shall be manufacturer For a number of years past, the olive tree has been cult i-also. As soon as the supply of olives in a neighborhood is vated with varying �uccess throughout the Southern StateE', sufficient to warrant the erection of suitable machinery for and especially on the islands on the coast of Georgia and expressing the oil, every requisite fOT the purpose will be at Florida and along
more » ... the sea board of North Carolina. T he hand. The olive grower's labors for the season will end with quality of the product, however, not being the best, its man-the deposit of his berries at the oil manufactory; and, ac ufacture has never assumed proportions of any mae;nitude, cording t o the custom of the olive districts of Europe, one
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican09281872-192 fatcat:pybonwjvp5drlgznhl45huwbf4