An efficient unstructured MUSCL scheme for solving the 2D shallow water equations

Jingming Hou, Qiuhua Liang, Hongbin Zhang, Reinhard Hinkelmann
2015 Environmental Modelling & Software  
The aim of this paper is to present a novel monotone upstream scheme for conservation law (MUSCL) on unstructured grids. The novel edge-based MUSCL scheme is devised to construct the required values at the midpoint of cell edges in a more straightforward and effective way compared to other conventional approaches, by making better use of the geometrical property of the triangular grids. The scheme is incorporated into a two-dimensional (2D) cell-centered Godunov-type finite volume model as
more » ... sed in Hou et al. (2013a,c) to solve the shallow water equations (SWEs). The MUSCL scheme renders the model to preserve the well-balanced property and achieve high accuracy and efficiency for shallow flow simulations over uneven terrains. Furthermore, the scheme is directly applicable to all triangular grids. Application to several numerical experiments verifies the efficiency and robustness of the current new MUSCL scheme.
doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.12.007 fatcat:uwbsob6n5rhg5nzf5z5ggtwzty