A 3D particle visualization system for temperature management

B. Lange, N. Rodriguez, W. Puech, H. Rey, X. Vasques
2011 Visualization and Data Analysis 2011  
This paper deals with a 3D visualization technique proposed to analyze and manage energy efficiency from a data center. Data are extracted from sensors located in the IBM Green Data Center in Montpellier France. These sensors measure different information such as hygrometry, pressure and temperature. We want to visualize in real-time the large among of data produced by these sensors. A visualization engine has been designed, based on particles system and a client server paradigm. In order to
more » ... ve performance problems, a Level Of Detail solution has been developed. These methods are based on the earlier work introduced by J. Clark in 1976 1 . In this paper we introduce a particle method used for this work and subsequently we explain different simplification methods applied to improve our solution.
doi:10.1117/12.872484 dblp:conf/vda/Lange0PRV11 fatcat:kmfxkik3kbaurkma64viukjwva