Physical Activity Measurement By SWA in Employees: Weekdays And Weekend

Sema Can, Ayda Karaca, Erşan Arslan, Elżbieta Biernat
2017 Physical Activity Review  
The purpose of this study was to identify the levels of physical activity level during the weekdays and weekend both female and male employees. Method: A total of 58 volunteer employees participated in this study of which 20 were male (Mage 32.50 ± 8.82) and 38 were female (Mage 34.24 ± 6.25). Anthropometric measurements were performed after an overnight fast for each participant. After anthropometric measurements, daily physical activity levels were measured continuously with the Sense Wear
more » ... band (BodyMedia, USA) monitor, worn on the dominant arm triceps muscle on free-living individuals for a during of seven days. Whether the number of steps, physical activity level (PAL) and inactivity time change depending on the days of the week and the gender was calculated in repetitive measurements with one-way analysis of variance. For globosity variance validity, Mauchly's test was used. For the variables which cannot be replaced for globosity variance, Greenhouse-Geisser test was used. Results: According to daily step numbers, women are slight active and men are active (9479±3468; 11338±3297 step/day respectively) (p>0.05). Daily mean PAL is on sedentary/light level both for women and men (1.55±0.19; 1.61±0.28 kcal·kg -1 ·hr -1 respectively) (p>0.05). According to days of the week, a statistical difference was found between the daily step numbers in men and women (p<0.05). While there was a statistically significant difference in PAL averages among women (p<0.05), there was no statistical difference in men (p>0.05). While PAL value was the highest in weekdays and lowest on Sunday for both genders, the day with the longest inactivity time was found to be Sunday. Women's daily mean inactivity time was founder to be longer than men (1264±69; 1205±107 min·day -1 respectively) (p>0.05). Conclusion: Both men and women take more than 10000 steps only in weekdays. PAL of both women and men in weekdays and weekend is at sedentary/light activity level. The most active days for both genders are in weekdays, while Sunday is the least active day.
doi:10.16926/par.2017.05.21 fatcat:5ns43sskybgmxa5ugq3vwshgti