International System of Weights and Measures

D. A. K. Black
1947 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
Dr. J. M. Hamill makes out a clear theoretical case for the substitution of the millilitre (ml.) for the cubic centimetre ( He expresses regret at the obduracy of our profession in adhering to the incorrect use of the cubic centimetre as a measure of volume. Unfortunately, perhaps, the mischief does not end there. The cubic millimetre ( is universally used in the data of haematologists. As a metrical purist, would Dr. Hamill advocate the substition of the microlitre, and would he
more » ... uggest a suitable abbreviation for this quantity?-I am, etc., Manzhester.
doi:10.1136/bmj.1.4504.613 fatcat:uh5zwszgnvegvlsdjjvp3gvd6y