The Relationship between Estimated Vocabulary Size and Listening and Reading Proficiency in Japanese Senior High School Students

2005 The Bulletin of the Kanto-koshin-etsu English Language Education Society  
The study examined the relation between estimated vocabula 【 y size and listening and reading proficiency in Japanese senior high school students . A newly developed vocabulary size estimation test with fbur levels : i. e. , 1 , 000 ・ to 4,000 −word level groups was used fbr 2nd year stUdents ( N = 120 ) . All subjectS took a proficiency test twice , and their listening and reading proficiency was tested . Their vocabu 蜘 d 卿 訂 owledge was also tested. Changes in these were also examined within
more » ... 呵 ects . The grand mean for vocabu 璽 aly size 童 br the subjects was 2062 . 06 . Two proficiency tests administered in July and the fヒ ) 110wing February showed 5tatistically signific 託 mt increases in vocabulaly scores but decreases in listening scores . These reflected the national average , There was , however , no significant difference in scores in reading , grammar, and overall . The results also showed 出 at 止 ere was a weak correlation betWeen estimated vocabulary size and listening and reading pro 丘ciency : i. e . , r = , 26 −50 and r 二 . 26 −50 respectivel 】 匹 Therc were many cases where the correlation was the highest at the 1, 000 − word leveL The study concludes that as listening and rcading proficicncy ca ot be weH explained by the vocabulaly size only , Educators should
doi:10.20806/katejo.19.0_47 fatcat:67kozphs4zeqzpwyqywdjlgiba