A recoverd case of nephrotic syndrome due to HBV membranous glomerulonephritis after interferon .ALPHA.-2a therapy

Yasushi NAKAMURA, Masahiro KINOSHITA, Hiroshi YABUNE, Yasuhiro MORIYAMA, Sayomi IIDA, Kaname MORIWAKI, Susumu YUKAWA
1996 Japanese Journal of National Medical Services  
We report a patient, a 17-year-old woman, with hepatitis B virus (HBV) membranous glomerulonephritis. She was consulted to the hospital because of leg edema. Her mother was a HBV carrier. The patient was found to be a HBV carrier at 5 years old and had proteinuria since 10 years old. Urinalysis revealed 4+ proteinuria. Her serum albumin was 2.9g/dl and total cholesterol level was 336mg/dl. Thus, we suspected of nephrotic syndrome. Both HBe antigen and HBe antibody were positive, however liver
more » ... nction test was normal. A percutaneous kidney biopsy was performed. Histological findings of the biopsy specimen was membranous glomerulonephritis by light microscopy. Immunohistochemical study disclosed diffuse granular deposition of HBe antigen and IgG. Electron dense deposit were found within the basement membrane by electron microscopy. These results indicated the diagnosis of HBV membranous glomerulonephritis. After interferon therapy, HBe antigen became negative and urinary protein was decreased immediately. The second renal biopsy was performed 6 months later. Studies of frozen sections for immunohistochemistry revealed disappearance of HBe antigen.
doi:10.11261/iryo1946.50.298 fatcat:dlkcrbxyyzdcnjr6pd2pnkx2wi