Solution of Large-scale Structured Optimization Problems with Schur-complement and Augmented Lagrangian Decomposition Methods

Jose S Rodriguez
In this dissertation we develop numerical algorithms and software tools to facilitate parallel solutions of nonlinear programming (NLP) problems. In particular, we address large-scale, block-structured problems with an intrinsic decomposable configuration. These problems arise in a great number of engineering applications, including parameter estimation, optimal control, network optimization, and stochastic programming. The structure of these problems can be leveraged by optimization solvers to
more » ... accelerate solutions and overcome memory limitations, and we propose variants to two classes of optimization algorithms: augmented Lagrangian (AL) schemes and Schur-complement interior-point methods. The convergence properties of augmented Lagrangian decomposition schemes like the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and progressive hedging (PH) are well established for convex optimization but convergence guarantees in non-convex settings are still poorly understood. In practice, however, ADMM and PH often perform satisfactorily in complex non-convex NLPs. In this work, we study connections between the method of multipliers (MM), ADMM, and PH to derive benchmarking metrics that explain why PH and ADMM work in practice. We illustrate the concepts using challenging dynamic optimization problems. Our exposition seeks to establish more formalism in benchmarking ADMM, PH, and AL schemes and to motivate algorithmic improvements. The effectiveness of nonlinear interior-point solvers for solving large-scale problems relies quite heavily on the solution of the underlying linear algebra systems. The schur-complement decomposition is very effective for parallelizing the solution of linear systems with modest coupling. However, for systems with large number of coupling variables the schur-complement method does not scale favorably. We implement an approach that uses a Krylov solver (GMRES) preconditioned with ADMM to solve block-structured linear systems that ar [...]
doi:10.25394/pgs.8210243.v1 fatcat:i5qjpy3upjc7jalnrw7m4eye5a