The initial symptom as a clinical parameter for rapid progression of HAM/TSP
HTLV-1 関連脊髄症における疾患進行の予測因子

Mai Furuzono, Riku Matsumoto, Hanako Mayumi, Yuichi Tashiro, Hitoshi Arata, Yoshihisa Yamano, Masakazu Tanaka, Ryuji Kubota, Eiji Matsuura, Hiroshi Takashima
Background:While Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1(HTLV-1) -associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis(HAM/TSP)is a slowly progressive neurological disease, the progression of the disease varies from person to person. While some blood or cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for rapid progression of HAM/TSP have been reported, no clinical parameter associated with rapid progression of HAM/TSP has been identified except for older age. Purpose:We tried to find the initial symptom associated
more » ... rapid progression of the disease using registry data on patients( n=527 )enrolled in the Japanese HAM/TSP patient registry HAM-net.We determined the periods from the onset of HAM/TSP to the age of wheelchair use in daily life 25:146 筆頭著者:松浦英治、古園麻衣、松元 陸、眞弓芳子 鹿児島大学病院脳神経内科 (〒890-0075 鹿児島県鹿児島市桜ヶ丘 8-35-1) Corresponding
doi:10.34397/jsnd.25.1_146 fatcat:nxhmecwfqzcuhamklgql447wsa