Food waste generation: restaurant data and consumer attitudes

Renata Dagiliūtė, Aira Musteikytė
2019 Aplinkos tyrimai, inzinerija ir vadyba / Environmental Research, Engineering and Management  
Food waste and related negative impacts are gaining attention in all policy levels. Therefore, there is an increased need for research and analysis in the field, especially in different countries, different sectors. In Lithuania so far there are only couple of studies regarding food waste as such, therefore the aim of this study is to estimate food waste generation in one of food supply chain stages - catering at the restaurant – and to determine restaurant costumers' attitudes towards food
more » ... e and related aspects. Results indicate that there are weekly and daily variations in food waste generation per capita. The biggest share of wasted food was composed of grain/cereals products. Shame was identified as one of the reasons for not taking plate leftovers home. However, restaurant could employ some of the activities like educating its consumers or providing personalized portions. In general, consumer indicated lack of information on food waste problems and related environmental impacts, though at home majority of the respondents throw away still good to consume food rather often. Hence, information provision and greater attention both from the consumers and the service providers could be a significant input in food waste reduction in public catering service sector.
doi:10.5755/j01.erem.75.2.22995 fatcat:rohm2p3e2rfcnasrqmmvohpyle