Synchronization in small networks of time-delay coupled chaotic diode lasers

Y. Aviad, I. Reidler, M. Zigzag, M. Rosenbluh, I. Kanter
2012 Optics Express  
Topologies of two, three and four time-delay-coupled chaotic semiconductor lasers are experimentally and theoretically found to show new types of synchronization. Generalized zero-lag synchronization is observed for two lasers separated by long distances even when their selffeedback delays are not equal. Generalized sub-lattice synchronization is observed for quadrilateral geometries while the equilateral triangle is zerolag synchronized. Generalized zero-lag synchronization, without the
more » ... ion of precisely matched delays, opens possibilities for advanced multi-user communication protocols.
doi:10.1364/oe.20.004352 pmid:22418193 fatcat:jcmtu62xrbhvridiiaitihj6ae