Research on Automatic Deployment of Simulation Test Environment Based on Cloud Platform

Ying Cheng, Xiangdong Gao, Xiaochao Wu, Li Chen
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
It is a future trend that SoS confrontation tests develop towards combining simulation tests with realistic exercises, so how to deploy a simulation test environment on demand conveniently, quickly and smartly becomes an urgent problem to be solved. Starting from the architecture and requirements of a simulation test environment, this paper analyzes the deployment solution of Cloudify and Docker open source cloud platform clusters, designs a cloud-based automatic deployment platform for the
more » ... lation test environment based on OpenStack, Cloudify and Docker, and realizes the automatic deployment of the simulation test environment with full software stack and full deployment process. The automatic deployment not only improves the efficiency of the deployment and maintenance, but also increases the utilization ratio of resources.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1314/1/012178 fatcat:ynleojbsfbgh5mmvow5abvxuqq