Optimisation of high-efficiency combined heat and power systems for distributed generation

Maria Anna Chatzopoulou, Christos N. Markides, Imperial College London, Engineering And Physical Sciences Research Council, European Institute Of Innovation And Technology
Distributed combined heat and power (CHP) systems have the potential to cover a significant amount of the global energy requirements for power, and heating. Small-to-medium scale CHP systems, in the built environment and in the industry (up to a few MWs), are typically driven by internal combustion engines (ICE). In CHP-ICE systems, more than 55% of the energy input is transferred as heat in the exhaust-gas stream and the jacket water cooling circuit. Unless these thermal outputs are utilised,
more » ... he energy will be released to the atmosphere as waste heat, deteriorating the system's efficiency. Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) engines are a promising heat-to-power technology, for converting waste heat into power. Therefore, coupling ORC engines as bottoming cycles to CHP-ICEs can maximise overall system efficiency, and reduce energy costs. In this thesis, the design of ICE-ORC CHP systems is investigated from thermodynamic, operating and economic perspectives, aiming to fully unlock the potential of such advanced high-efficiency cogeneration systems. An integrated ICE-ORC CHP optimisation tool is developed, which, unlike previous studies, captures the performance trade-offs between the two interacting engines, to optimise the combined system performance. A dynamic ICE model is developed and validated, along with a steady-state model of subcritical recuperative ORC engines. Multiple working fluids are investigated, along with naturally aspirated and turbocharged ICEs. By optimising the combined ICE-ORC CHP system simultaneously: i) the total power output increases by up to 30%, in comparison to the conventional approach where the two engines are optimised separately; ii) the electrical efficiency increases by up to 21%, in comparison to the stand-alone ICE; and iii) in the integrated system the ICE operation is adjusted to promote the ORC power output, which generates up to 15% of the total power, improving fuel efficiency. When focusing on maximising power output only, this comes at the cost of higher fuel consumption. I [...]
doi:10.25560/75556 fatcat:xk7zu3j65jd2zhti5xob454yda