GASTONE – Development of a New Powertrain Concept Based on the Integration of Electric Generation, Energy Recovery and Storage

Alex Rinaldi, Alberto Maria Merlo, Estefanía Hervás-Blasco, Emilio Navarro-Peris, José Miguel Coberán Salvador
2016 Transportation Research Procedia  
The new challenge in the reduction of CO2 emissions by heavy duty trucks is leading to a technological evolution in powertrain efficiency. Towards this objective, the EU has funded in the frame of the 7th framework program the project GASTONE: a collaborative project between several private and public companies and institutions: CRF, FTP, Continental, GENTHERM, MAGNA and U. Politécnica de Valencia, targeting the development of a new powertrain concept based on the integration of electric
more » ... ion, energy recovery and storage with engine system and control strategies. The main features of this CNG engine concept are: The energy recovery from the exhaust gases heat with a cascade approach thanks to the adoption of an advanced thermoelectric generator and a turbo-generator. The integration of a smart kinetic energy recovery system to substitute the alternator with a smarter electrical machine. The electrification of the main auxiliaries (coolant and oil pumps, auxiliary e-supercharger and air conditioning compressor). The electrification process is supported by an improvement of the performance of the CNG engine (the actual average value is about 38%): this number is expected to rise by 4% thanks to the engine control strategy improvement, by 1% due to the introduction of the water charge air cooler, by 2% from the reduction of the belt drive and gear losses, by 1% from the system strategy and management optimization and by 7% from the exhaust heat recovery (thermo-electric generator plus turbo--generator).
doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.176 fatcat:wqfk6fwbdbefhdznbndkeaim5y