Epidemiological and clinical aspects of fractures in the city of Kamina in the Republic Democratic of Congo : Cases recorded at Kamina General Reference Hospital

Limbs' fractures are one of the main reasons for emergency surgery in bone trauma. They are frequent and most often affect young subjects during an active period. The objective of our study was to determine the epidemiological and clinical aspects of limb fractures in the city of Kamina and their etiological factors in order to guide concerned authorities. This was a retrospective descriptive study conducted on patients with limb fractures in the surgery department of the Kamina General
more » ... e Hospital, during a period of four years (2015 - 2018). Men were more affected by broken limbs than women (sex ratio = 2.8). The age group over 20 was the most affected. Most of the fractures came from the surrounding villages, the majority of which were farmers, pupils and students. Limb fractures were more prevalent during the months of September (18%), October (13.5%), and January-February (15.8% and 11.3%). The most affected bones were the radius and ulna (22.5%) ; most of the fractures involved the upper limbs. Men were more exposed to open fractures than women (p < 0.05); participants over the age of 20 were more affected by open fractures and fractures of the lower limbs (p < 0.05). Supervisory measures to protect men over the age of 20, a surveillance within educational institutions, and the care improvement may be all required to alleviate repercussions related to fratures in Kamina city in RDG.
doi:10.48421/imist.prsm/ewash-ti-v4i1.18381 fatcat:47fiqitgkjbf5ha5zs3qlb7i4y