A Comparison of Three Methods for Monitoring CO2 Migration in Soil and Shallow Subsurface in the Ressacada Pilot site, Southern Brazil

Andresa Oliva, Andréa Cristina de Castro Araujo Moreira, Hung Kiang Chang, Fatima Ferreira do Rosário, Ana Paula Santana Musse, Clarissa Lovato Melo, Lia Weigert Bressan, João Marcelo Medina Ketzer, Marcelo Jardim Contant, Helen Simone Chiaranda Lazzarin, Gabriel Cavelhão, Henry Xavier Corseuil
2014 Energy Procedia  
In a joint R&D project under the full sponsorship of PETROBRAS, the Brazilian National Oil Company, the first CO 2 monitoring field lab was started-up in Brazil in 2011.The site chosen, the Ressacada Farm, in the Southern region of the country, offered an excellent opportunity to run controlled CO 2 release experiments in soil and shallow subsurface (< 3 m depth). This paper focuses on the presentation and comparison of the results obtained using electrical imaging, CO 2 flux measurements and
more » ... ochemical analysis of the groundwater to monitor CO 2 migration in both saturated and unsaturated sand-rich sediments and soil. In 2013 a controlled release campaign was run, covering an area of approximately 6,300 m 2 . Commercial food-grade gaseous carbon dioxide was continuously injected at 3 m depth for 12 days. The average injection rate was 90 g/day, totaling ca. 32kg of gas being released. The low injection rate avoided fracturing of the unconsolidated sediments composing the bulk of the local soil matrix. Monitoring techniques deployed during 30 consecutive days, including background characterization, injection
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.429 fatcat:o57losmnqbc6phhiyp7qsvrcmu