Communication mediums used by clients and health professionals in accessing and providing healthcare in low resource settings: A descriptive cross-sectional study [post]

Mathias Dongyele, Daniel Ansong, Francis Osei, Sam Newton, Evans New, Nicholas New, Alfred New, Bright New, Samuel Frimpong, Joseph Bonney, Duncan Adjei, Anne Amusu (+3 others)
2020 unpublished
Background: There exist continuing challenges with communication media used during health service provision. These challenges relate to clients and health institution, intra and inter-health institution communications. This study reviewed the existing healthcare communication media from the perspectives of clients and health professionals at a tertiary hospital in Ghana. Method: cross-sectional design was employed with a multilevel sampling method to select a total of 651 participants
more » ... of 304 clients, 303 health workers and 44 hospital directorate managers for the study. A well-structured survey questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. Results: Two thirds of the hospital staff (66.4%) used a blend of social media and direct means (face-to-face medium) to communicate among themselves. The majority (89.8%) of the staff communicated with management through meetings sections. Nearly all healthcare providers (97.4%) communicated with clients through direct means (face-to-face medium). Almost all forms of communication between the hospital management members and the general public was done through letters and official memos. Conclusions: The study revealed blended forms of communication media used by health providers and health service consumers. Delayed information flow and poor feedbacks contributed to the dissatisfaction levels associated with the traditional communication media platforms used.
doi:10.21203/rs.2.14329/v4 fatcat:2d74t7lewffcxlvsgbzau4jdpq