Double Interfacial Layers Effect on Optical Third-order Nonlinear Susceptibility, Refraction Index, and Absorption Coefficient of a Metal/ Dielectric Composite

Berhanu Aragie
2019 Universal Journal of Materials Science  
We investigate the way of enhancing the optical third order susceptibility, the refractive index, and absorption coefficient of a composite media in which identical nonlinear nanospheres having double interfacial layer randomly embedded in the linear host medium. We observe two maxima peaks of the nonlinear properties. We also show that the effect of double interfacial layers on the third order susceptibility, the refractive index, and absorption coefficient depends on the volume fraction
more » ... dielectric nanosphers and the nature of the double interfacial layers. Under appropriate condition (nature of the two interfacial layer) we found two maximum peaks of the nonlinear properties. We also compare with the same composite without interfacial layer and in the presence of single interfacial layer and our finding shows that because of additional interfacial layer the effective medium exhibit a better third-order susceptibility, refractive index, and absorption coefficient.
doi:10.13189/ujms.2019.070201 fatcat:ngrl6g4novgfdjlpatdzzrusgu