Screening of the Fc epsilon RI-beta-gene in a Swiss population of asthmatic children: no association with E237G and identification of new sequence variations

M Rohrbach, R Kraemer, S Liechti-Gallati
BACKGROUND The gene of the beta subunit of the high affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RI-beta) encoded on chromosome 11q13 has recently been identified as a candidate gene for asthma and atopy. Two coding variations, E237G and I181L have been described as being associated with asthma and atopy. Our aim was to investigate a Swiss population of atopic and asthmatic children for variations in this gene. METHODS We screened all 7 exons of the Fc epsilon RI-beta-gene in 224 atopic/asthmatic, 68
more » ... elatives and 159 control subjects using exon amplification by PCR and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis followed by fluorescence based DNA sequencing. RESULTS The sequence variant E237G was found in 3.7% in atopics and in 2.6% in the control population. None of the samples carried the I181L mutation. In addition, we characterised nine novel mutations (1 nonsense mutation, 2 missense mutations, mutation, 2 silent mutations, 4 intronic mutations). CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that the E237G does not have a primary effect on the development of atopy and asthma, and thus excludes the Fc epsilon RI-beta locus from being a candidate gene directly involved in these diseases.
doi:10.5167/uzh-214607 fatcat:jrnxrychvnbaxp2gpo6ks65lge